Sunday, December 8, 2019

Developing A Marketplace For Smart Cities - Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss about the Developing A Marketplace For Smart Cities. Answer: This research paper discusses the cybersecurity challenges in smart cities. It also presents many theories to discover safety, security, and privacy role in the smart cities. The main aim of this report is to address the impact of safety, security and privacy, and cybersecurity in the smart countries. This paper based on opinions of many authors to support the study, it involves Elmaghraby and Losavio (2014). This study practiced several paradigms and categorical structures as it could be imperative for examine advantages and cybersecurity. In this, it considers three factors like intelligence level, instrumented, and Interconnected. Moreover, the integrated structure will assist to the emergency responders, disaster recovery, and public safety as it could be effective in managing the security. The findings also demonstrate the significance of security and privacy. It supports to explore the findings of the research study, author practiced a huge number of pictures and tables to repr esent the collected data. From the findings, it is examined that the security demonstrates the evaluation of data and influences causing physical disruptions in the availability of services. Moreover, It is also analyzed that privacy-protecting structure supports to gather the information and prompt responses at the time of technical changes and dealing with security challenges. In this report, the author uses a model to represent the interaction between servers and individuals. This article is published in the Journal of Advanced Research. This Journal is supportive to explore the qualitative and quantitative data as it would be imperative for both research scholar and reader. This report supports to provide the evidence of the previous research challenges, like Rose (2013), who focuses on the programmes for the smart city technical regulations and guidance to explore the significance of standards in the smart cities. In addition, it is also stated that the main aim of this research report is to identify the role of the technical standards and guidance in establishing the smart city. Cohen and Money (2017) completed their research on this particular research matter. In this research study, the investigator uses the multiple large software structures that consider many elements like environmental interactivity, requirements of citizens, error handlings, safety instruction, and operational controlling liability. Other elements are transparency, portfolio, credibility, availability, and hosting. The data was collected through observation method. Moreover, the author has used many methods to analysis the framework of smart cities like applied computing, Inform ation systems, Security and privacy, Software security engineering, and Human-centred computing. This finding recommended that through data analysis method, the research scholar is able to determine the significance of regulation in the smart cities. In this, it is also addressed that there is a certain factor that could be imperative in making the smart city like techniques, policies, companies, management system, people, governance, economy, communities, natural atmosphere, and infrastructure. To support discovered findings, the investigator exercised a huge number of tables, charts, and tables to increase the discussion. This journal is published in the International World Wide Web Conference Committee. This journal concentrates on the practical relevance and theoretical exploration as it could be beneficial for the academic audience as well as the practitioner. This paper supports to demonstrate the last research, such as Berry (2008), who describes the conceptualization of smart cities. Moreover, it is also examined that the primary aim of this research report is to determine the information communication technology and sustainability in the smart cities management. Bifulco, F., Tregua, M., Amitrano, C. T., and D'Auria, A (2015), have completed their research on ICT and sustainability in the smart cities management. For this research study, the author has used the survey through a questionnaire to conduct their research as it could be effective to collect the reliable outcome. In this, qualitative data analysis method is used by the research scholar through content analysis method as it would be supportive to evaluate the collected data and get a reliable outcome. Moreover, this finding suggested that through data analysis method, the investigator is capable to identify the importance of information communication technology and sustainabil ity in the smart cities. In this, it is also stated that information communication technology and sustainability like an across-the-board elements because they connect all services to communities in the smart city. Consequently, it will be effective to make the smart city planning. In addition, ICT and sustainability technique support to operate the process of amortization. In this research report, the research scholar has practiced many tables and charts to support the findings and increase the whole discussion of research. This journal is published in the International Journal of Public Sector Management. This journal focuses on the theoretical exploration and practical relevance, which will be imperative for enhancing the understanding of practitioner and academic audience. This research report discusses the previous research, such as Harrison and Donnelly, who discusses the perspective on smart cities. Further, the main aim of this research is to identify a strategic and technical situation of the smart city for effectively dealing in the recession period. Paroutis, S., Bennett, M., Heracleous, L. (2013) completed their research study on this particular topic. In this research study, researchers have used qualitative research design to complete the specified aim and objectives. In this, it considers a certain method of observation, interview and documentary method to collect the data in the context of research issue. Besides this, the researcher has also practiced the case study approach to collect reliable data regarding the research issue. For this research study, research scholars have utilized qualitative and quantitative data analysis method to examine the collected data and meet research aim and objectives systematically. In addition, it is also found that the data analysis method will enable the researcher to determine the significance of strategic view on smart city technology. In this, the author mainly considers three factors like technology view, systems view, and strategic view. It is also stated that systematic view and technical view support to develop the smart technology and structure in the city. As a result, the country could be capable to improve their existing situation systematically. For supporting the finding of the research, the researcher will practice many tables and charts as could also be effective to deeply understand the research matter. This journal article is published in the technological forecasting and social change. This article concentrates on both practical as well as theoretical perspective as it could be imperative for increasing the subjective knowledge of academic audience and practitioner. In this report, researcher studied various literature regarding the smart cities. This research paper also supports to previous research, such as Wright and Steventon (2006), who discusses the smart cities. The main purpose of this research report is to evaluate the impact of smart city initiatives and big data on SCM (supply chain management). More precisely, this research also discovers the information about the connection between supply network characteristics, smart cities, and big data. Elcio M. Tachizawa, Mara J. Alvarez-Gil and Mara J. Montes-Sancho (2015), completed their research on how smart cities will change supply chain management. It will be effective to improve the supply chain process and get a higher return. In this research study, researchers have used an integrative framework to collect specific data about the research issue. In this, the researcher has also used the literature review and integrative framework to evaluate the collected data and meet the research ai m and objectives. Further, this finding recommended that the data analysis method mandate the researcher to determine the impact of smart cities in the whole process of supply chain management. For this research report, the investigator has used charts to support the collected data and as it could be effective to understand the current research matter. This Journal has published in the supply chain management: an international journal. This Journal concentrates on both practical and theoretical concept as it could be effective for improving current awareness about research subject. References Adel S. Elmaghraby, and Michael M. Losavio (2014) Cybersecurity challenges in Smart Cities: Safety, security, and privacy, 5(4), pp. 491497 Elcio M. Tachizawa, Mara J. Alvarez-Gil, Mara J. Montes-Sancho, (2015) "How smart cities will change supply chain management", Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Vol. 20 Issue: 3, pp.237-248. Francesco Bifulco Marco Tregua Cristina Caterina Amitrano Anna D'Auria, (2016) "ICT and sustainability in smart cities management", International Journal of Public Sector Management, Vol. 29 Iss 2 pp. 132 - 147 Money, W. H., Cohen, S. (2015) Developing a marketplace for Smart Cities Foundational Services with Policy and Trust, International Journal of Computer Science: Theory and Application, 3(1), 1-12. Paroutis, S., Bennett, M., Heracleous, L. (2013) a strategic view on smart city technology: The case of IBM Smarter Cities during a recession 89, pp. 262-272.

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